Schwa Lyrics

The Confessor

Lyricist: Joe Walsh
Vocalist: Eric Lanese
If you look at your reflection in the bottom of a well,
What you see is only on the surface.
When you try to see the meaning, hidden underneath,
The measure of the depth can be deceiving.
The bottom has a rocky reputation
You can feel it in the distance the deeper down you stare.
From up above it's hard to see but you knowwhen you're there.
On the bottom words are shallow.
On the surface talk is cheap.
You can only judge the distance by the company you keep
In the eyes of the CONFESSOR.

In the eyes of the Confessor,
There's no place you can hide.
You can't hide from the eyes (of the Confessor)
Don't you even try.
In the eyes of the Confessor
You can't tell a lie,
You cannot tell a lie (to the Confessor)
Strip you down to size,
Naked as the day that you were born,
Naked as the day that you were born.
(Tremendous guitar work)
Take all the trauma, drama, comments,
The guilt and doubt and shame
The what if's and if only's
The shackles and the chains
The violence and aggresion,
The pettiness and scorn,
The jealousy and hatred,
The tempest and discord,
AND GIVE IT UP!													

First Played: September 3, 2004 Frontier Ranch - Kirkersville, OH

Last Played: September 3, 2004 Frontier Ranch - Kirkersville, OH

# Times Played: 1

% Played: 0.10 %

Shows Since 1st Played: 992

Shows Since Last Played: 991

1st set: 0

2nd set: 0

3nd set: 0

Encore: 1

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