Schwa Lyrics

This Is the Day

Lyricist: Ed McGee
Vocalist: Ed McGee
This is the voice of shame, 
These words that you hear 
From the source of the blame, 
Sorrow and penance, 
Anger and pain, 
But this is the day I begin again. 

This is my cross to bear, 
This rising from self-imposed fear 
And despair, 
This pumping my blood 
And breathing my air, 
And accepting a scar where once was a tear. 

And this is the part where I’ll give you my word. 
It’s the word of a liar, but some liars get cured. 
This is my pledge, this is my gospel, 
This is my dream: 
I will climb from the wreckage 
Like a song from a scream. 

This is me moving on, 
This might be the day 
To right what’s so wrong, 
For forgiveness and mercy 
And the grace gone so long, 
And this is the day that I sing this song. 													

First Played: December 10, 2002 Don Quixotes - Aurora, CO

Last Played: December 4, 2003 Headliners - Louisville, KY

# Times Played: 6

% Played: 0.52 %

Shows Since 1st Played: 1153

Shows Since Last Played: 1047

1st set: 3

2nd set: 3

3nd set: 0

Encore: 0

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