Schwa Lyrics


Lyricist: Ed McGee
Vocalist: Ed McGee
I was out on a raft
on my buddy's pond,
I was flat on my back,
I was lost in a song.
My friends jumped around,
the raft wasn't wide,
it started to tilt,
I slipped off the side.

	he rolls into the water
	sinks slow-mo with a grin
	sees these patterns all around him
	the waves, the sun, the shadows
	ignores the air he's trapped within

he sunk to the bottom 
and thus he was blessed 
because he was lax

I was walking one night,
I was headed to town,
I was moving too fast,
and not looking down.
One brick on the road,
stuck up from the rest,
it tripped me up good
and thus I was blessed.

	would you acquiesce as he did?
	would you slip into the calm?
	sounds once loud are muffled
	that's the compromise of depth
	that's to be, but not belong

he sunk to the bottom 
and thus he was blessed 
because he was lax

So here I am again,
dropped down below
the sweet breath of zen.

I skipped the big parade
and watched my friends

And then when I return,
I am remade,
I have relearned

the peace that counteracts
and soothes the burn,
and I relax.

So I'm down looking up,
people swimming around,
or laid out on my back
on my way to town.
With this view of the trees
I am suddenly calm
and with that I rise
up to where I belong.

	(he rose up later breathing
	there was no foolish scheme
	succumbing, lax and sinking
	and thoughtless as the water
	he found the peace in him redeemed)

he sunk to the bottom 
and thus he was blessed 
because he was lax

First Played: February 25, 2000 Newport Music Hall - Columbus, OH

Last Played: September 2, 2022 J&M Ranch - Ansonia, OH

# Times Played: 215

% Played: 14.10 %

Shows Since 1st Played: 1525

Shows Since Last Played: 73

1st set: 117

2nd set: 88

3nd set: 1

Encore: 9

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