Schwa Lyrics

With California Near

Lyricist: Ed McGee
Vocalist: Ed McGee
Our plans are laid tonight:
be gone by morning light.
We'll leave without a word,
cuz peaceful is preferred.
We'll take your bus out west,
back roads might be best,
play our music in the day
and love each night away.

You sleep there in your dress,
your breathing deep, God bless.
You dream of what's to come
and I drink 151.
You'll occupy the miles,
I'm satisfied with smiles,
silently you'll drive,
looking too alive.

The hours slip right by,
my bottle long since dry,
and now I recollect:
our eyes do not connect.
With California near,
you won't see my tears,
your eyes will reach for sun,
your need for me then done.

All but one light's out,
my joy replaced by doubt.
I don't know what I'm for,
but I know I'll need more.

I wake up in the sun,
you have up and gone.
With California near,
remember me back here.

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Last Played: - ,

# Times Played: 0

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Shows Since 1st Played: 2869

Shows Since Last Played: 2869

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