Schwa Lyrics

Ballad of Sam McCully

Lyricist: John Mullins
Vocalist: John Mullins
On a plane from New York City
Bound for Caroline
Sam McCully's sittin' pretty with a Jim Beam and a smile
Gonna do it all up right gonna get to town in style

Now Sammy boy he's a dreamer
Gotta huge pie way up in the sky
Head full of party balloons and streamers that unfurl across his mind
Philosophies in dimension to boundaries we stand behind

Well he's off the plane down in Charlotte
A cool eye toward the uniform at the gate
Robin Hood of the mind he walks on by with a parcel in his case
A taxi to some old friends, gonna make the deal and take the cake

There's a thousand smiling faces
'Bout a million laughin' eyes
Startled look of wonder traces as we learn to realize
Truth as false is a faulted truth all reletive to the soul found deep inside

When you first came in through the window
What was the first thing that you said
Quickly forgotten quotes and notions diddy bop dancin' through your head
Memory it is the key to the trick on us that's being played

First Played: April 15, 1994 Newport Music Hall - Columbus, OH

Last Played: August 31, 2018 Zane Shawnee Caverns - Bellfontaine, OH

# Times Played: 368

% Played: 14.66 %

Shows Since 1st Played: 2510

Shows Since Last Played: 183

1st set: 107

2nd set: 229

3nd set: 3

Encore: 29

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